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HNPL Public Record Policy



Effective February 21, 2025

Access to public records is governed by Indiana Code 5-14-3. The official policy of the State of Indiana is that all persons are entitled to complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials and employees, subject to certain limitations. For a listing of the types of materials available to be examined, see I.C. 5-14-3-3.

In accordance with this policy, the records of the Hamilton North Public Library are open to public inspection except for the classes of materials specified by law as confidential.

1. Any person may inspect the public records of the library during the regular business hours of the library office.

2. Requests for materials on weekends or at night will be deferred until the following business day.

3. Public records that are stored in the library’s storage room shall be made available within one week of the request for such records.

a. Requests for information may be made in writing and should provide the name, address, and telephone number of the requesting individual.

4. When deemed appropriate, the public records shall be copied by the requester at $.10 per page.

5. If it is necessary for the records to be copied by library staff, the requester shall bear all costs incurred in copying such material.

6. Public records shall not, under any circumstances, be removed from the library.


Materials declared confidential by state or federal statute as outlined in I.C. 5-14-3-4 are exempt from disclosure. In addition, the following public records are exempt from disclosure and will not be made available for public inspection, unless access to the records is specifically required by a state or federal statute or is ordered by a court under the rules of discovery.


1. Personnel files of the library employees and files of applicants for employment, except for:

 a. The individual’s name, compensation, education, job description, job title, training background, previous work experience, and dates of first and last employment of present or former officers or employees of the library.

b. Information relating to the status of any formal charges against an employee.

 c. Information regarding disciplinary actions in which final action has been taken and that resulted in the discipline or discharging of an employee.

All personnel information is available to the affected employee or his/her appointed representative per the Employee Handbook. General personnel information on all employees or groups of unnamed employees may be disclosed.

 2. Any administrative or technical information that could jeopardize a record-keeping or security system.

 3. Computer programs, codes, filing systems, and other software owned by the library or entrusted to it.

4. Records prepared specifically for discussion or created during discussion at any legally called executive session under IC 5-14-I.5-6.

5. The identity of a donor of a gift made to the library if the donor requires anonymity as a condition of making the gift or if after the gift is made, the donor or a member of the donor’s family requests nondisclosure.

6. Any library records that can be used to identify any library patron or their use of library materials or equipment.


Staff procedures:

·          If anyone approaches you alleging to be a law enforcement official requesting information, do not disclose to that individual any information, including whether a patron is in the library or was just in the library. Immediately contact a department head, assistant director, or director.

·         A department head, assistant director, or director will ask to see official identification and will photocopy the ID.

·         If law enforcement presents a subpoena, library staff should lead that person to the director. If the director is not present, then lead that person to the assistant director or a department head. They, after photocopying the legal documents, will in turn contact legal counsel.

·         Any threats or unauthorized demands (i.e., those not supported by a process, order, or subpoena) concerning circulation and other records identifying the names of library users shall be reported to the appropriate legal officer of the institution.

·         If library staff is presented with a warrant, do not interfere with their search and seizure. Contact a department head, assistant director or director as soon as possible.

·          Keep a record of all legal requests.

·         Keep a record of all costs incurred by any search and/or seizures.

·         If a “Gag Order” is not in effect, the director will notify Hamilton North Board of Trustees, and then if appropriate, the American Library Association.